Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Love Loud Boys!!

Today's lesson was on the talk given by Elder Choi entitled "I Love Loud Boys. The question on the board was "Who loved you when you were inactive, shy, quiet? I immediately thought of a much beloved sister who I know never realized that she touched my life in quite such a way. She was a person of my youth, a leader and an example! So this is for Sis. Nora B. Stephens, thank you for the love that you showed me. The example of kindness. Thank you for the blessing that you were in my life!!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My New Blog

I have another blog that I started to show my cross-stitch accomplishments (or lack thereof), but in reading more and more blogs and seeing all the great ones out there I felt the need to start another one. This one will be for the things that I don't want to share with the wonderful stitch sisters that I have. This one will be more for my "other life." The life I have when I'm not stitching. I don't want to offend the great people on my other blog but I want to have a blog that shares who I am.
In doing so I guess I need to clarify to myself just exactly who I am. I am a deeply religious person. One who knows that our Heavenly Father listens and answers prayers. One who knows that I go to Church for a reason. One who knows that Jesus gave His life for us.
I don't have many followers as of yet on my other blog and probably won't have very many on this one but I felt strongly that I needed to do this. So join me on my journey through my crazy life as a mother of 6.

